Sunday, March 27, 2011

Why I STILL Buy Branded Clothes

I haven't visited GYMBOREE in years because the first couple of times I visited the store the prices gave me a heart attack. But yesterday, while waiting for GNOMEO & JULIET me and my little one found ourselves browsing at the store opposite the theater, GYMBOREE.

I enjoyed the colors definitely and the designs and wow they are having a sale!

So we browsed on the sale items and while looking around it did certainly remind me why I still buy "branded" clothes despite the economy.  And please note they are "branded" not "designer" clothes! :)

Take a look at this pieces from GYMBOREE:

This dress was listed as $24.95 originally and now $10.49

This sandals was originally priced $29.95 now $15.74

Isn't that around the price for the stuff you buy at TARGET? And don't get me wrong I love TARGET!  I buy a lot of stuff at TARGET!

BUT there are at least 3 very important reasons why I STILL shop branded clothes for my daughter:

Branded clothes I have learned tend to stay in their color longer than cheap ones.  The fabric picked are stronger, they stay in shape even after so many washes.  I bought several clothes from JANIE & JACK and I notice that they are in my daughter's closet longer than all those that I bought with cheaper brands.  You will probably say, yeah but kids grow so fast.  Not that fast!  The clothes that I bought from JANIE & JACK, when I bought them they were just slightly big and they lasted at least a year or 2.  Expecially the jackets.

Shoes are extremely important to be good quality as your kids are still developing how they walk and how they stand. If they don't have good support then they might end up with crooked walk or legs.

Believe it or not this is true!  This really a piggy back on the first reason.  If you buy clothes that last longer and then you do not need to buy clothes as often.  If you go to branded stores and look for the sale items. they are going to be around the same price as regular price in Target, Walmart or Children's Place.

You want your kids to look good.  Especially for dinners with friends, or events at work.  Also you want them to look presentable on special occassions. I actually choose to buy gifts for kids from these places because they are gifts and I want them to be special. Parents can buy all the day to day stuff and gifts they should be a treat and yes, special!,

I am not saying you buy everything branded now. It is totally up to your budget. But it still does make sense to buy them. Personally, I mix them up. I buy here and there branded clothes and mix it up with the cheaper ones ones. I almost never buy anything from WAL-MART AND my favorite cheaper end clothes are from TARGET or The Children's PLACE

As for shoes, when my daughter just started walking all her shoes were from STRIDE RITE.  Thanks to GRANDMA! I probably only bought a couple of pairs. They were pricey but she is important to us.  Then after a year I started mixing them up. She would have at least a couple of "training shoes" still from STRIDE RITE then the rest, Target Shoes for say special occassions and less walking kinds.

Was $22.95 now $14.99

HERE ARE MY STORE RECOMMENDS: (Don't forget to look for the SALE, check out outlets, sign up for free rewards programs oh and clip the good old coupons)

1) Janie and Jack
2) Baby Gap


all images courtesy of GYMBOREE

Other Ways to Save Energy My Way

Earth Hour - Logo

I would like to share what I have learned over time on how to save energy (and at the same time save money too). I think that is something that we can consciously do on a daily basis and not just one hour, a lifestyle.

My mother used to have this practice in the Philippines. As soon as she wakes up she opens the windows and turn off the lights. Many of us are so used to just casually turning on the lights as soon as we get up and this adds up to your electric bill as wells as it's not really healthy.

When you open your windows, toxins that are trapped in your home gets freed and fresh air comes in. At night for family dinners occasionally use candles, it creates ambiance and warmth around the place as well.

Of course the no brainer, turn off the lights when you don't need it, in your bathroom, bedroom, closets. Also turn off the tv and the pc when no one is watching or using.

When your floor is cold like our apartment since the flooring is hard wood consider buying a fancy slippers. You should have one for winter, which are plush and really warm and one for summer which are simple but not too hot. Imagine the energy you save by not turning on the heater!

A lot of us don't really have backyards anymore but there are clothes hanger you can buy in IKEA or Target that you can set up by your bedroom window or in your guest bathroom. I mean how often does anyone use your guest bathroom anyways? Exactly! I am not saying you skip the dryer for everything but say lingeries, soft clothes just think maybe save one load of drying everytime you do the laundry? Skipping the dryer also saves the color and shape of your clothes and therefore lasts longer!

If you hang your clothes right after laundry or fold them right away then you shouldn't have to iron clothes but if you must, iron in bulk say during the weekend. This is still a challenge in our household believe me but I am working on it!

Consciously make a habit of checking your bill to see if there are any changes in the price. This should motivate you in changing things up a bit or keeping it up. One time I didn't realize I was baking too much until I saw my energy bill. I learned after that to spread out the baking over a period of time.

images courtesy of:

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Rain Washes it All

I am listening to the rain outside and it is giving me a certain peace. It calms me down...

Thank God as I needed this to prepare myself to face work tomorrow.

I pray for wisdom and knowledge and understanding and above all guidance that I say the right words and that I am just.

My heart had been broken and I need healing. I need courage. I need to be strong.

My daughter, she makes me so happy. She is the most beautiful that God has given me. Thank you.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Kudos to Boston Market

Recently I visited Boston Market and saw this "no tipping sign". Way to go! I respect this initiative especially in the economy that we are in. It has always been like this in Japan too and their service was also excellent. When they make mistakes, they fix it and also give a simple gift to show you how serious they are and really regrets the mistake done.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

RECIPE: My Fried Rice with Spam

Fried Rice (Tsa Hang Mix) Mix

I recently went to Marukai at Genese and found this fried rice mix.  So looking at my cabinet I got low sodium spam and so I decided to use that and it wasn't so bad.

If you wanna try making it here is the recipe:

2 cups of steamed riced, cooled
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1 can of spam, diced and toased to brown
2 eggs beaten, fried and sliced
1 dab of butter

In a hot pan, melt butter.  Add garlic and toss it till brown.  Add rice and mix well.  Add 2 packs of fried rice mix, diced spam and thinly sliced eggs mix till all engredients are evenly mixed, remove from heat and serve! 

My Daughter's Gift

Almost everyday when I pick my daughter from the daycare she has a gift for me and usually they are flowers picked from the streets.  It is priceless!

My mother told me when I was a little girl I used to do that for her, nobody taught me to and nobody taught my daughter. Genetics!