Sunday, March 27, 2011

Other Ways to Save Energy My Way

Earth Hour - Logo

I would like to share what I have learned over time on how to save energy (and at the same time save money too). I think that is something that we can consciously do on a daily basis and not just one hour, a lifestyle.

My mother used to have this practice in the Philippines. As soon as she wakes up she opens the windows and turn off the lights. Many of us are so used to just casually turning on the lights as soon as we get up and this adds up to your electric bill as wells as it's not really healthy.

When you open your windows, toxins that are trapped in your home gets freed and fresh air comes in. At night for family dinners occasionally use candles, it creates ambiance and warmth around the place as well.

Of course the no brainer, turn off the lights when you don't need it, in your bathroom, bedroom, closets. Also turn off the tv and the pc when no one is watching or using.

When your floor is cold like our apartment since the flooring is hard wood consider buying a fancy slippers. You should have one for winter, which are plush and really warm and one for summer which are simple but not too hot. Imagine the energy you save by not turning on the heater!

A lot of us don't really have backyards anymore but there are clothes hanger you can buy in IKEA or Target that you can set up by your bedroom window or in your guest bathroom. I mean how often does anyone use your guest bathroom anyways? Exactly! I am not saying you skip the dryer for everything but say lingeries, soft clothes just think maybe save one load of drying everytime you do the laundry? Skipping the dryer also saves the color and shape of your clothes and therefore lasts longer!

If you hang your clothes right after laundry or fold them right away then you shouldn't have to iron clothes but if you must, iron in bulk say during the weekend. This is still a challenge in our household believe me but I am working on it!

Consciously make a habit of checking your bill to see if there are any changes in the price. This should motivate you in changing things up a bit or keeping it up. One time I didn't realize I was baking too much until I saw my energy bill. I learned after that to spread out the baking over a period of time.

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1 comment:

  1. shoot I forgot to turn off my outside lamp, always do! Will have to work on that now1
