Saturday, October 1, 2011

La Jolla Red Tide Experience

Photo Credit: Prattle On, Boyo
The in-laws called today to invite us to go and see the Red Tide caused by an algae actually, millions of them perhaps,  that is happening at La Shores.  It was quiet and experience and one I never thought ever existed or something that I would see in my lifetime!  There was a crowd when we got there around 10 PM tonight.  It was better seen when it is really dark and no lights were coming cars that are trying to park. 

The first thing that you would notice is the stench in the air and as I did my little research through google I learned that this is because these algae are decaying...

It took me a moment to realize what they look like as they come randomly with the waves. It turns the waves blue-greenish neon and just a pretty sight to see!

I read from other blogs that if you come daily at night, you would notice some nights are more vivid like the first picture above but then some less.  What I saw tonight was more like this picture from ABC.

Photo Credit: ABC
With this age of touch screen and smart phones, seeing a thing from nature like this is still incomparable.

These algaes are special because when they are "jostled" they emmit the neon light and because there are so many of them at this time it creates that pretty sight that we see. 

Hubby and I were both really happy going home to have spent the time to experience this together and with our little girl, Bagel.  It would be nice to look back when we have gray hair, (not that we don't have a few now but you know what I mean) and say yes we did that! It also reminds me of how great our Creator is, things like this didn't just happen. Someone so great put them all together for the universe to be!

xoxo, Nancy