Saturday, February 19, 2011

90 Days Flat Belly Plan

I currently weigh 119 lbs and for a 5ft, late 30s (little) woman like me the weight goes around my waist.  My little one is now 4 yrs old so I finally got time, well some time for myself.  
Hubby has lost around 40-60 lbs buy not eating carbs at lunch and dinner, exercising and all... I know I lost around 10 lbs by following the book, French Women Don't Get Fat.  I mean I didn't follow it seriously but I took some ideas from it like eating it portions, eating organic and taking your time to enjoy your food.  But eversince I moved here in San Diego slowly gained 5 lbs all over again!  But most disappointingly, I see a gut or a flab in my stomach! Ugh!  

I look forward to running in the beach very soon but I can't wait so I am trying to see if I can lose some of my belly by cutting of carbs totally in my dinners and not drinking anything with sugar.

I started yesterday and it was so funny because when hubby called to ask what we should be eating for dinner I said "I think I will have those potato fries with chili from weinersnetzel" and he goes "ummm I thought you are not eating carbs for dinner anymore..." 

Ha! I already forgot!  So I said "of course..." and got a greek chicken stick instead.

So the count down becan yesterday and wish me luck!


Sister In Law's Big 30 Day Gift

It is my sister in law's 30th birthday this March so I was thinking of what to get her that is affordable and yet something that she would appreciate.

She is one of those girls who got everything and really girly.  At first, I thought I should just get her something from Victoria's Secret because that is our favorite store.  But as I went shopping I thought, wait! This is the big 30!  Maybe I should give her something that is memorable. So I went to my next favorite place, ETSY.  Etsy has all kinds of stuff hand made so really unique and at affordable price. The next thing that I thought was there is a lot of selections here but what would make the difference? Jewelry!  I browsed on necklaces first, as in charms, then earrings then bangles.  I stumbled into this shop for weddings and she customizes the jewelry so it is really secial.

After 2 nights of fun browsing I decided to pick this piece.  It is 14k gold and you can choose the letter initial for the recepient's name and pick her birth stone for only $38. I thought this gift should come from my little girl (4) who is the apple of her eyes.  If you visit her website you can get gifts for your wedding (bridesmaids etc) and birthdays.  (Please see photo credits below to visit their websites.)
Of course, to seal the deal I also got her something from Victoria's Secrets.  There collection of Supermodel Essentials is really classic and to die for!  I want them all for myself! But I picked this hooded jacket for her.

It is $38.00 and great for going out shopping or anything. I also ordered the box for only $6.00 makes your gift really classy. The box is sturdy you can use it to keep mementos like old cards you received over the years.

So, what do you think?


Photo Credits:

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Count Your Blessings

I forgot how good it feels to be in a swing until today!

It's been awhile...

I took the little one to the park today and played with her. It was great I could feel my heart pumping and I was catching my breath.

Simple things like this give me joy and makes me realize that my troubles are not everything.

A lot of good things are happening like my husband and my daughter.

Count your blessings! You might be surprised!


Stuffed Mushroom

Delicious and all I need


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Prenatal Pills Make You Emotional

Looks like prenatal pills and the hormones can make you really emotional.

I have been taking them on and off to help my hair grow but I always take them at night. Today I took it this morning and now I am an emotional mess! I could be wrong and I know I've got underlying issues but they just feel so magnified.

I am going to take the pill tomorrow again at the same time and see if I feel the same emotional mess and if so then it is confirmed.

Let's find out tomorrow.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Here We Go

I have been trying for the nth time to find a place to express myself freely. 
I always have opinions on things like everybody else and I just sometimes want it out like to exhale!
Here it is! This is my place. So please let me be.
