Saturday, February 19, 2011

90 Days Flat Belly Plan

I currently weigh 119 lbs and for a 5ft, late 30s (little) woman like me the weight goes around my waist.  My little one is now 4 yrs old so I finally got time, well some time for myself.  
Hubby has lost around 40-60 lbs buy not eating carbs at lunch and dinner, exercising and all... I know I lost around 10 lbs by following the book, French Women Don't Get Fat.  I mean I didn't follow it seriously but I took some ideas from it like eating it portions, eating organic and taking your time to enjoy your food.  But eversince I moved here in San Diego slowly gained 5 lbs all over again!  But most disappointingly, I see a gut or a flab in my stomach! Ugh!  

I look forward to running in the beach very soon but I can't wait so I am trying to see if I can lose some of my belly by cutting of carbs totally in my dinners and not drinking anything with sugar.

I started yesterday and it was so funny because when hubby called to ask what we should be eating for dinner I said "I think I will have those potato fries with chili from weinersnetzel" and he goes "ummm I thought you are not eating carbs for dinner anymore..." 

Ha! I already forgot!  So I said "of course..." and got a greek chicken stick instead.

So the count down becan yesterday and wish me luck!


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